Thankful Things 2/22

Hey y'all!  My apologies for the blogging absence.  I know it hasn't been that awful long, but still, my goal is to a post out at least once a week, and I have failed.  I will try to be better from now on :)  Today, here are some things I'm thankful for...

Cute teacups.

New shrugs that show up in the laundry.  Perks of wearing the same size as your mom :)

Singing acapella.

Hot soup for days when you’re down.

Reading through Passion and Purity once again.

Texts and emails from faraway friends.

Ice cream.  Because it is a necessity for this gal’s well-being :)

Sipping on a travel mug as you walk into some place.  Something about it just feels so mature.  No one has to know that its hot cocoa instead of coffee ;)

Warm cookies, straight from the oven.

Getting another YouTube video up.  You can watch it here.

Sight reading an accompaniment (in front of people) rather decently!  Like, that never happens.  Amiright?!

Valentine’s Day chocolate + flowers from my dad.

Older-brother hugs.

Completing almost all of my monthly goals.

YOU!  I am thankful for you all you gals reading, your support, and your lovely comments.  I wouldn't be blogging if it weren't for you! 💙

What are YOU thankful for today?


  1. Yay! How fun! Good to see you back, even if it HASN'T been too long. ;)
    I'm a teacup addict. Haha! I have a huge collection. Yours is cute! And ice-cream is necessary for my well-being too.
    I actually saw your next video already. ;) It was soooo good! I love that song. And speaking of music... I can sightread vocal music pretty well or violin sometimes (fiddle is harder though!) but I would totally NOT do it in front of people with piano! Hahaha! Good for you, whichever instrument you used (or if it was vocals!)
    Things I'm thankful for today... Snow (we got some!!!), orange juice, sibling love, no longer having the stomach flu... ;) Wonderful post!

    1. Thanks, Grace!
      Teacups are so fun! I don't drink tea, but I still love teacups. I can always put my ice cream in them ;)
      Haha, yeah, it was a piano accompaniment I sight-read ;) I'm fine when it comes to sight-reading hymns because I can improvise, but actual accompaniments are a totally different story. I was just happy to be able to sight-read this particular accompaniment, because I had 6 vocalists (several of which are also pianists) singing along while I played.
      Aww, I'm so sorry you had the stomach flu, although I'm glad you're over it now! I had a cold this past week... it was miserable :( That's so fun that you got snow!! It's in the 70s here today xD

    2. Ice-cream in a teacup... That's a new one! I'll have to try that sometime. ;)

  2. What wonderful things to be thankful for! I am thankful for warm blankets, the ability to write, ice cream (caramel is the best!), hot tea - particularly Citrus Defenders from Starbucks, God's Word, two new books published by friends, emails, letters and so much more! =)

    1. That's awesome, Olivia -- I love to hear what you are thankful for!

  3. Thank you for sharing these with us! This is a wonderful reminder of how we have so many things to be thankful for! Oooh! I love teacups, too! :) Your video was awesome! You are so talented!! :) Today I am thankful for... God's Word, and the privilege to read His Word, a nice walk with my mom and sister, learning ASL, letters, homeschooling, and a clarinet lesson! :)

    1. Thank you, Anna. We do have SO many things to be thankful for! I love the things you named!

  4. Singing a cappella. Hot soup. Ice cream. Completing goals. This list just keeps getting better! ;) You did a lovely job with The Love of God :)

    1. Haha thanks, Alysaa! ;) I have SO much to be thankful for!! Aww, thanks! I actually wrote an arrangement to The Love of God + An Old Valentine (by some composer whose name I cannot think of right now xD) and was going to put it up on YouTube as well, but I wasn't sure because An Old Valentine is newer and I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to copyright rules, until I know for sure what I can and cannot do ;)

    2. Oh neat! Yep, better to be safe than sorry. Sometimes I hate copyrights, but then I remember that if *I* wrote a song, I would probably copyright it. Or would I? haha ;P

  5. I like the flower thing in your hair on the YouTube video!

    1. Thank you, Laura! It was a flower headband crown :)


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