Thankful Things Blog Tag

Hey y’all!  With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I thought it would be helpful and good for all of us to really focus on learning to become more thankful people.  I know I definitely need more gratitude in my life!  To help with this focus, I’ve created a fun, simple tag for all you bloggers out there.  This tag is not just a Thanksgiving/November-only tag, but one we can use all year round!

-- Thank the person who tagged you, linking back to their blog.
-- In your post, write about/include pictures of as many things you are thankful for as you want.
-- Include these rules.
-- Include a Bible verse about thankfulness.
-- Tag as many people as you can, thanking each of them for something you appreciate about them.

I am thankful for…

So many glorious displays of God's majesty in nature.

Older and wiser ladies who have invested in my life.

Singing in Spanish.

My family, and the warm house we live in.  It may not always be clean or quiet... but it's filled with love!

The amazing week God gave me last week.

Bonding time with my sister over the weekend.

Ice cream with my Bible quiz team.

Good food in abundance.

I tag:

Anna at Annie Writes.  (Anna, I am so thankful for your sweet spirit.  You always encourage me!)

Alyssa at Here is Love.  (Alyssa, I don’t know you personally, but you’ve left so many lovely comments here on the blog and your support has been a blessing to me!)

Laura at Flowers in My Basket.  (Laura, every comment you leave makes me smile!)

Bella at Worth It All.  (You’ve always been there, ready to pray for me, talk, give encouragement, cheer me on, or anything else.  You are so thoughtful and kind!  Thank you for cheering for me.)

Grace at Don’t You Know That I’m Singing.  (Grace, it’s been a joy getting to know you this past year or so!  I love your heart for serving your family and also your passion for music. ;))

Abby at Worth More Than Gold.  (Your smile is radiant!  Your ministry is impacting so many people.  Thank you for hosting an interview with me earlier this year, too!)

To YOU… you mean the world to me!  If I left you out, please remind me of your blog in the comments below, and feel free to do this tag!  I want to reach as many people as I can this month with this spirit of gratefulness.

“First, I thank my God through Christ Jesus for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world.” – Romans 1:8, ESV.


  1. You're comments always make me smile too! :D This is a really great idea, thank you for tagging me!

    1. By the way, di you know that today is "Love Your Red Hair Day"?

    2. Thanks so much! Yes, I had read that a couple days ago -- thank you for the reminder! ;) I love my red hair! xD

  2. Aw I love this challenge and I love you! :) So so grateful for you! Thank you for the tag :)

    1. Grateful for you, friend! <3 Thank you so much for carrying this tag along!


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