6 Things to Remember This School Year

Hey y’all!  The 2019-2020 school year has officially begun!  I don’t know about you, but although I’m nervous, I couldn’t be more thrilled.  This is my last year of high school, and I’m beginning to wrap things up.  I finished Chemistry today and got to work on my duel credit English class assignments.  Lord-willing, I will graduate this coming spring!  I’m enjoying the time before graduation, but I’m eager to see what God has in store for me!

  I’m sort of a unique case when it comes to school.  I’m primarily homeschooled, and have been all my life, but I am also duel enrolled at Bob Jones University and take college courses that count for both high school and college credit.  It’s a fantastic way to kill two birds with one stone. :)

  I feel very unqualified to write a post titled “Things to Remember This School Year,” since I’m not physically going to a school building every day and don’t face the same challenges many of you do, but nonetheless I think it will be beneficial to the both of us.  The Bible, life experiences, and common sense all give us principles to apply to our lives, even in the area of school.  Whether you’re homeschooled, public schooled, Christian schooled, online schooled, or whatever the case may be, I believe each of these points are key in making the most of your school year.

1 – Keep God First

  “Always put God first in your life,” we are advised when others give us school advice.  It can sound cliché, but it really is true.  If we ignore God, we will burn out quickly and become frustrated, anxious, and stressed.  It is crucial that He remains first in our lives.  He is an ever-flowing fountain of forgiveness, grace, and strength.  Our relationship with God is our number 1 priority, and we must maintain and grow this relationship.

Singing "Just As I Am" during Bible Conference 2019, BJU

2 – God is Trustworthy

  We can trust the Lord to bear our burdens.  All our anxious thoughts can surrender to Him.  He died to save you from the slavery of your burdens and sins.  Commit your life and your struggles to His care.  He is trustworthy!

  “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7, KJV

  “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6, KJV

  Song suggestion: Promise After Promise (Cameron Pollock/arr. Jesse Bullard)

3 – You’re a Christian First, and then a Student

  This is one of the wisest, most thoughtful things I’ve heard when it comes to choosing a college.  The application of this statement may apply in different ways to different people, but it is something each of us need to keep in mind when it comes to all school decisions (including but not limited to choosing a college).  For some of you, this might mean that you need to get up early to do your devotions before school.  For others, this might mean you make the choice to attend a Christian college that will benefit and assist you spiritually, as opposed to a larger, secular university.

  Your identity belongs to Christ, first and foremost.  You can find your identity in many things, but when everything is stripped away, only one thing will remain: you’re God’s child.  Nothing can ever change that.  So act, live, speak, and make decisions that will benefit you as a child of God.

Papa Johns brownie on a bench after class

4 – Talk to Your Parents

  If you have godly parents, I cannot stress enough that you need to include them in your life!  You’ll be launching into adulthood very soon.  Glean wisdom and advice from your parents and other godly mentors.  God gave you your parents for a reason.  You need to honor and consider what they say, especially if they are helping you financially with school.

5 – Learn to Appreciate Learning

  I’ll admit, I’ve never really been a huge fan of school, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize how privileged I am to receive a high-quality education, earn a high school diploma, and have the opportunity to attend an excellent Christian university… all of this while staying at home!  I still have a long way to go in learning to love education, and I definitely have a long way to go with my attitude some days! ;) But I’m thankful, and I hope you are, too.

  “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” – Colossians 3:23, KJV

 School, school, and more school! ;)

6 – Cherish

  When I was elementary-aged, I never thought I’d graduate; yet here I am, a senior, with my high school graduation quickly approaching.  I’m looking for my senior recital dress, picking out college scholarship audition music, and already bought a ball cap that says “GRADUATE” on it. :)  High school is quickly coming to a close, and I want to enjoy and cherish each moment of it instead of wishing it away.  Wherever you are in school, choose to cherish today.  You may not be where you want to be, but God has a purpose even now.

  “Wherever you are, be all there!” – Jim Elliot

  I’d love to hear your thoughts below, as well as your suggestions and advice for making this school year the best yet!  Where are you in school?  What are your future plans?  I’d be thrilled to hear all about it in the comments!

  If you are interested at all in hearing about my senior year, college plans, senior recital and celebration prep, duel credit experience, etc., feel free to ask below and I’d love to share with you more about what I do, and what my plans are in the future.  If you’d like to have more of an inside look on senior year, let me know – I’d be happy to share photos and life updates occasionally.

  God bless your 2019-2020 school year!  Stay strong!


  1. I like the pictures! I am a Junior in high school. - Kiara

    1. I hope your junior year goes awesome, Kiara! Thank you for commenting!


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