10 Ways to Invest in Others

Those of you who read my last post (here) know that investing in people is something that has been on my heart as of late.  Because of this, today I’d like to share 10 simple ways you can invest in others.

1 – Take someone with you.

  I have a lot of college friends who don’t have vehicles, so sometimes I will offer to drive someone to and from campus for different activities, even if there is other transportation available.  I love spending this time sharing hearts and chatting about life, struggles, plans, and dreams.

  I spend a lot of time in my car, making for a lot of “dead time” in which I am very limited in what I can do.  If you have a license and vehicle, use that “dead time” to be with other people.  You can do this with younger siblings, parents, or friends.

2 – Multitask with phone calls.

  Maintaining long distance friendships sometimes requires FaceTimes and phone calls.  I can talk while doing dishes, folding laundry, or while driving by connecting my phone to the car (hands-free).

3 – Eat lunch with people.

  On Tuesdays my lunch time is spent at school, sandwiched (ha!) between 2 classes.  I usually sit in my car while I eat, but I enjoy making occasional plans to meet up with a friend for lunch.  This is something I would like to do more of in the future.

4 – Always acknowledge others.

  Don’t wait for others to come up and initiate conversation.  Greet your classmates when you sit down, wave to people you see around, smile at strangers.  Don’t be afraid to offer a high five, handshake, or even a simple “What’s up?”

5 – Meet people for activities.

  During the fall, I love to attend the BJU Bruins volleyball games.  My oldest brother and I usually meet up and sit together because, as students, we both get free admission, and we’re usually on campus together anyway.  If he isn’t available to come, however, I’ll try to invite a friend.  I’ve also done this with concerts and such.  Recently I even offered to take an 8-year-old from my church who had been wanting to see a volleyball game.  We bought popcorn and had a fun time together. :)

6 – Bake snacks.

  Everyone loves a good homemade brownie or a plate of gooey chocolate chip cookies.  Next time you’re in the kitchen, think of who you can bless with a yummy snack!

7 – Be willing to sacrifice.

  Be willing to give up extra sleep to call and pray with a friend.  Be willing to roll around on the floor with your siblings instead of working on your next project.  Relationships take sacrifice.  Sometimes you just have to prioritize.

8 – Introduce yourself.

  Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to random people at church, in the hallway at school, or in a group.  Don’t wait for the other one to make the first move.  Confidently extend a hand, a smile, and a clear introduction.

9 – Never let anyone sit alone.

  Sitting alone in a crowded place can be very awkward.  Keep a sharp eye for outsiders, and try to strike up conversations or include them in your group.  For a long time, I would see people on their phones and use that as an excuse for not speaking to them.  I’ve found that oftentimes, people are on their phones because they don’t have anything else to do.

10 – Put your phone up.

  In our day and age, it is especially important to be present when talking to others.  If you’re like me, your phone can be quite a temptation.  I try to combat this by leaving my phone on silent (no vibration), and if I can, not keeping it on me.  I’ve found that keeping my phone in my pocket is not very helpful.

  Please share your own ideas below!  How do you invest in people and make others feel loved and appreciated?


  1. I really like these ideas! It can be so easy to just focus on ourselves, but these things are so important! One of my favorite is number 8. I used to always just wait for people to introduce themselves to me, but that may never happen. Going up to someone and saying "hi" can be the start of a friendship that lasts for years! Not to mention, when you see someone down or lonely, it's so important to go over. After all, we may be the only person who does. Thanks for writing!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Laura! Relationships can't happen if no one ever introduces! :)

  2. I like these ideas, Grace! I think I'm going to try them. A lot of times if I see someone I don't know, I tend to get really shy and not go over there. However, that is something I want to change! I want to be the person that makes people feel welcomed and I want to care for them. :) Something I normally do for people is create cards or write notes. If I'm texting or emailing, I'll send an encouraging quote with a pretty background. Thank you so much for writing this! :)

    1. I love your idea of writing notes!! I love to write, and writing "just-because" notes is something I want to do more of!

  3. Thank you for these ideas! I'm going to try to do them! Thanks a lot Grace! I love these ideas!♥️. - Kiara


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