With Thanksgiving Approaching...
Hey!!! Long time, no
blog post, huh? Well, since Thanksgiving
is this month, I wanted to share with you a few things that hopefully will get
your mind geared toward thankfulness as this very meaningful holiday
First, I hope you’ve hopped on board with my autumn thankfulness challenge by now. If you haven’t yet, I would still love for
you to jump in and join us! :) There are
so many things we take for granted
that we should be thankful for!! Let’s
take a moment to recognize those things now, and thank the Lord for them!
Second, I would like to challenge you to write one person and thank them for something they have done in
your life. It could be anyone from your
mom to the girl down the street that comes over to play with you. Whoever it is, take the time to sit down and
write out a thank-you not to them. It
doesn’t have to be long – just write from your heart and be sincere in what you
say. Use your best handwriting and a
pretty card. Better yet, make the card
yourself! Here is a card I made that may
inspire you (the stamp was found at Hobby
Lobby, and I’m not sure where the ribbon came from):
When you think of thanksgiving, what is the first thing that
pops into your head? Turkey? A big traditional meal (in my family’s case,
thanksgiving is known as the holiday that you have a huge meal, stuff your
stomach, and go around the table and say something you’re thankful for. And that’s pretty much it. I encourage you to be thankful year round. God is not generous only once a year – He
gives you so much every single day. Take
time daily to thank Him!
Cool. Sour cream girl, i'm thankful that you have this blog and are so nice to me. :)
Awwww, thanks! :) Thanks for being my friend. And for reading this blog!!!