My Thoughts On // Gratitude

Hey y’all!  It’s once again November, and that means Thanksgiving is almost here!!  I didn’t want to go through the month without posting at least once on the topic of gratefulness, so I decided to go ahead and throw together a post with a hodge-podge of what’s been going through my head this season of thanksgiving.

Last year thanksgiving was huge on my heart, and I blogged multiple times on the topic of giving thanks.  This year, however, has been slightly different.  I have been more focused on Christmas and New Year’s.  But still, I didn’t want to forget thanksgiving altogether!

As I was sitting in chapel a few weeks ago as I was visiting a local Christian college, the speaker was discussing gratitude.  He really brought out the fact that ingratitude is a wicked sin.  I think that those 5 words alone shot conviction into my heart about my level of gratitude.  To be honest, it’s been pretty low these past few months.  I’ve heard before that gratitude is the key to joy, and my joy definitely has been sorely lacking.

That same day, I was sitting in a speech class, and the professor said this: “never write something you wouldn’t say.”  In my own words: “Don’t be someone on paper who you aren’t in life.  Write as if you were speaking the words.  Don’t fake a writing style.  You have a writing style, and that’s the only writing style for you.”

So, my readers, I’m going to combine those two life lessons and be very honest here.  I’ve faked my writing style on the blog.  Don’t get me wrong: I have not been lying to you, I promise!  I just haven’t embraced my own writing style.  I look at a writer I admire and see all their wit.  So I make my posts more carefree and witty.  Or I look at another writer and see how they really accent their main points.  So every time I say something I want you to note, I press “enter” and write the sentence on its own line. 

But that’s not me.  Those weren’t my ideas.  I don’t have the wit, and accenting big points by making new paragraphs isn’t my writing style (well, I do that ever-so-often, but not constantly). 

But how does this tie into the topic gratitude, you may ask?  Well, let me ask you another question: why do you think I was using the writing styles of others? Ingratitude!  I wasn’t being embracing my writing style and I told people “I hate my writing.  My writing is not any good.”  I’ve deleted countless numbers of sentences, paragraphs, and even articles, because I didn’t think they were good enough.  They didn’t sound right, or they didn’t sound as intelligent as other people’s writing did.  But you know what?  Each time I frowned or sighed or cringed at my writing, I was being ungrateful.  I don’t know how good my writing really is, but it is an ability God has given me, and I love it.  It’s a tool I can use to tell others about my awesome God!  And what can beat that incredible privilege?!

My writing is just one example; I could go on!  I have come to realize that there are so many abilities God has given me that I am ungrateful for.  And ingratitude is a wicked sin! 

So, I’m on a gratitude mission.  It’s going to be a long journey down to the root of my joy, but I am confident that my Jesus will walk with me all the way!  I’m sick of my complaining!  I’m sick of my discouragement!  I’m sick of my discontentment!  Today I’m starting afresh on the road to finding true joy through gratitude.

So those are my thoughts for you on the topic of gratitude.  I hope this challenges you to stop and check your heart today: is it shining bright with overflowing thankfulness and joy, or is there some discontentment and ingratitude lurking there?

I would love to know! :
How do you combat ingratitude? 
What areas of your life do you need to embrace in thankfulness?

Here are some posts from last year on the topic of thankfulness:

(Also, check out my 2 “Autumn Thankfulness Challenge Update” posts in the October 2015 archives to hear about what I was thankful for!)


  1. Thank you SO much for sharing this! I seriously needed to read this tonight, what an encouragement :)

  2. You know, I really stuggle with this too... ingratitude, discontentment, and the like, and what you said is so true! I hadn't really thought about how ingratitude is a very wicked sin, and of course we should have NOTHING to do with sin!! I am going to take this journey with you, SCG, and try to erase the ingratitude and such from my life, and embrace joy! We can share with each other how it's going! What do you think?

    1. So true, Olivia - we shouldn't have ANYTHING to do with sin! And that is so encouraging to me to hear that you want to erase ingratitude from your life as well!! Of course you can come along this journey with me! ;) And I would love for us to be accountability partners in this! Thank you so much for asking!!
      And by the way, I'm SO sorry I never got that letter sent... no promises, but hopefully I'll get it sent this week.... *crosses fingers* :)

    2. It's going to be great being accountability partners! You are so welcome! I have been doing something that really helps with gratitude, KBR is having a "Give ThanksX7" challenge where you write down 7 things per day that you are thankful for each day, and in the end if you send it a form, they will send you a present! I enjoy thinking of 7 things each day, it really opens your mind to what you think of as important in your life! Are you doing the challenge? If not, I wish you could have, but it's for the month of November, so it's a little late for you to enter..... Sorry about that!

      Oh, that's okay I was kinda wondering if it got lost in the mail of something, but I get it! I'm slow on getting letters out too, LOL!

    3. Yes I've heard of the Give Thanks X7 Challenge. I did it one year but I didn't send my name in because I wasn't doing it to get the reward. Then last year I just created my own challenge, except it was only 1 thing per day, and there was no physical reward.
      Did you do the Give Thanks X7 challenge this year?

      I did get the letter sent, by the way, so you should be receiving it shortly! :)


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