My Journey with Church Music // The Recapitulation

Hey y’all!  I am sad to announce that today the Church Music series comes to a close.  It’s been a fun last couple months writing and releasing weekly posts on a topic so important to me.  It’s been fantastic and so satisfying putting up content on a consistent weekly basis.

I wanted to thank you all for your support and encouragement throughout this series.  Each positive comment you’ve given is an encouragement to me! 

For a brief overview of the posts in this series…

I hope you were encouraged and inspired by this series.  Whether you are a church musician yourself or can’t read a single note, I hope something in this series resonated with you.  I’d love to hear below what you appreciated most from this series.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! ❤️

Sad it's done?  Check this out!

So what’s next?
Leave a comment below with any topics or ideas for a new series!


  1. I think the post "Why I appreciate sacred music" was probably my favorite, just because it's a topic that I feel strongly about and you voiced my opinions in a kind but informative way. :) I really liked that one; I was thinking, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" the whole time I was reading it, if I remember right. ;)
    And I'm not sure what should come next. I've been enjoying the posts from Life Without a Latte ( lately about hair styles, and you've shared some pictures of hair styles before, so maybe you could do some posts on that?? Just an idea. ;)
    Thank you for writing this series! I appreciate the time and effort that you put into it. ;)

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Leona! I do not follow the Life Without a Latte blog -- I will have to check it out! Thank you for the recommendation. I'd like to share more hairstyle posts/tutorials, but I'm still thinking about it. ;) Most of my hairstyles are copied from Pinterest though, and the tutorials on Pinterest are simply so much more clearer than I could ever explain them.
      Thank you again for dropping a comment of encouragement!

  2. Hi, Grace. I'd love to read more about clothing: some actual tips but more important, reasons behind your clothing choices (modesty, bible, family/church rules, personal taste, etc.) and also, the topic that is not so much covered: what do you feel/do when you hang out with people with different modesty values, how clothing affects you you choose to hang out with, how does the church act when someone is immodestly clothed etc. I am also interested in the topic of education. :) Have a good day!

    1. Thank you for sharing your suggestions, Rusulica! I have hesitated posting on modesty thus far because it can be such a sticky subject and most people are very unteachable in that area, but I liked your specific ideas and right now especially I feel like it is something I could totally elaborate on from having experience (what to do when you hang out with people with different modest values). I will definitely consider beginning a series on clothing/modesty, or at least write up a post or two. :)
      Thank you so much for commenting!


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